how to arrange given list in a particular order in coldfusion
Consider we have a list as given below:
<cfset list1= "firstname, lastname, middlename, address ,email" />
and if we need this list to be ordered as <cfset order_list = "2,4,3,1,5" /> where order_list is the order for list1 to be arranged.
Let us try to arrange the List1 in the given order of Order_list.
<cfset list1= "first_name, last_name, middle_name, badge_name,email" />
<cfset order_list = "2,4,3,1,5" />
New List Order : #order_list# <br>
<!---Arrange the values in list one with the order specified in list 2. --->
<cfset newlist1 = "" />
<cfloop list = "#order_list#" index="i">
<cfset newlist1 = listAppend(newlist1, listGetAt(list1, i, ',')) />
<cfoutput> First order is : #newlist1# <br></cfoutput>
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