
Showing posts from January, 2022

How to find the extension of a file name in coldfusion | coldfusion code to get file extension of filename

 We can use the following code to get the file extension of a filename provided. First get the file name to a variable, then using listlast ()  we can get the fille extension. <cfset file = "test.png"> <cfset FileExt=ListLast(file,".")> <cfoutput>#FileExt#</cfoutput>

how to use coldfusion variable in javascript | assigning coldfusion variable to a javascript variable

 There are some cases where we need coldfusion variable inside javascript. We may need to assign the javascript variable with coldfusion variable value. For this, we can use the script tag, as we use in HTML and can assign like given below: Please note that the entire JS code have to be inside <cfoutput> block. <cfset a="10"> <cfoutput>     <script type="text/javascript">         var test = '#a#';         alert(test);     </script> </cfoutput>

How to fix cast as numeric gives error converting data type varchar to numeric.

 While writing SQL queries, we may get Errors while doing cast(value as data_type) like below: "converting data type varchar to numeric."  Sometimes the value will be valid and still you see the error while casting. To fix this error, we can use TRY_CAST instead of CAST function. Since when the  cast fails, the  TRY_CAST()  function returns NULL while the   cast()  function gives an error. Syntax :  TRY_CAST(value  AS data_type)